Does CBD Oil Get You High

Does CBD Oil Get You High? What You Need To Know.

You’ve probably heard of the many health benefits attributed to CBD oil, and maybe you even know people who swear by it. If you’ve stumbled across this article, chances are you’re more than a little bit confused on the matter, as is the case with many. Not to worry, we’re here to clear up any misunderstandings and questions you might have.

Something that many people worry about is that it might get them on the wrong side of the law, or at the very least, interfere with their mind and get them high. Many also wonder how it makes you feel, and ask themselves “does CBD oil get you high?”. That’s what we’ll be discussing in this article.



Does CBD Oil Get You High?

Now, in order to answer this, we need to have a closer look at where CBD comes from.

CBD (cannabidiol) is a compound extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant. It lives inside this plant with over a hundred other compounds, among which the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) compound, which is basically what you’re getting when you consume Cannabis or Marijuana.

The “high” feeling you get is caused by tetrahydrocannabinol, which is a psychoactive compound. That means it interferes with your brain’s proper working order.

The reason why most people connect CBD Oil and THC is that they live in the same plant, and that CBD Oil does contain a tiny amount of THC. However, they are not the same thing and CBD Oil cannot get you high.

Man putting CBD oil into a drink

What To Look For.

The most important thing to check when buying CBD Oil is the amount of THC in the oil. You see, according to FDA regulations, your CBD oil can contain up to 0.3% THC, as this quantity has been assessed and determined not to impact your thinking ability or judgment. In other words, a little THC is safe and perfectly legal.

Also do a bit of research on how your chosen CBD vendor grows the Sativa plant. Since this is still a fairly new domain for the law, many states don’t have overly strict regulations in place for the growing of CBD, and so, there have been instances when the CBD was contaminated by various pesticides.

Lastly, make sure you research what the other terms on the label mean before ingesting, vaping or any other of way using CBD. We are, after all, talking about something you will put in your body, so it only stands to reason that you know what it contains.

CBD oil in a small dropper

How Does CBD Oil Make You Feel?

So we’ve established once and for all that CBD oil won’t get you high or have any of those fun effects associated with marijuana and the like. However, that doesn’t mean CBD Oil won’t impact the way you feel at all. On the contrary, the way it makes you feel is why people are buying CBD in the first place.

The main benefit is that it will interact with your endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for making you feel hungry, sad, happy, or in pain. The CBD will affect the transmitters of this system and as such, impact your mood.

CBD Oil will make you feel:

Overall, the effect on how you feel will depend largely on the way you’re using it, the type of CBD Oil you’ve opted for, the dosage, and the way your body works. There are many variables at play, so there’s no one size fits all answer here, but in general, CBD Oil is known to make you feel better physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Recommended Read: What Does CBD Oil Do? Let’s Take A Look.



What You Need To Remember

We hope you go away from this with the firm understanding that it’s not illegal (although you should check with your individual state laws, to make sure you’re aware of any regulations!) and that it is safe and actually recommended in some cases. We hope you’ve learned it does not get you “high” but will instead have a pain-relieving, uplifting effect. CBD Oil is a natural alternative to combat the worst effects of cancer, as well as other diseases, can be used as a skincare treatment or simply to put you in a better mood!


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